It's that time of year and I'm in LOVE.
There is something so special about this
project that it has got me rather smitten.
You should see it in person it really is amazing,
I keep reaching out and touching it. It's painted with
ASCP 50-50 mix of old and pure white,
but the finish was created by working with what I had.
Here is the BEFORE, you may not be able to tell but it's gold,
spray painted gold with tons of runs and dings all over.
When I got the first real look at it,
the expressions on my face must have been comical.
I ended up using the gold and the rough finish
of that paint job to create this look. After painting the
AS white layer I sanded heavy in one direction on certain pieces.
(80 grit sand paper)
You can see below the different directions
I used and how I did very little to the inset side panel.
I added some great over sized hardware
and some wood appliques to the bottom front.
I had to rebuild some of the frame to get the legs attached strong.
It's like the electrical during a reno, you never quite understand
that stuff but it makes everything look better on the outside.