I definitely had some fun working with this antique washstand. And absolutely love the Delftware Pottery look I was able to create on the face of it.
I received an email regarding this little wash stand and it's
condition, there was mention of the evil hound puppy chew
marks, along with the split and peeling veneer. I like a
challenge and I think I strive harder for the really bad ones
to come out more amazing than even I think is possible.
There was extensive veneer damage to the top that could have
been fixed but I opted for another solution this time.

I turned the top over, filling the screw holes and had to fix only 1 veneer spot.
The under side of many tops are usually in better shape
and every now and then the routered edge works in your favor, so keep this option in mind for your future projects.
The knobs I used are made of ceramic and have a beautiful
cobalt blue floral design that I mimicked across the cabinet
front. I used Annie Sloan Napoleonic Blue and hand painted
the designs. I also used a blue printed paper in the drawer to
complement the design.
The cabinet was painted with a
50/50 mix of AS Pure White and Old White.
50/50 mix of AS Pure White and Old White.
INSTAGRAM @4_the_love_of_wood