Some of our ABC of thrifting on the west coast.
Ask ...
Don't be shy think of it as if you were the seller, they don't mind. George quite often asks the
home owner if they have any candles they want to sell. Not everyone thinks to bring out their
old unwanted candles to a yard sale but everyone has unwanted candles they would like to get
money for. I recall one lady going into her home and coming back with handfuls for him free
of charge. George melts the wax down, cleans it, mixes it, and makes new candles.
Recycling 101!
Buy ...
I buy what catches my eye and even though I resell many items it must be something I would want
in my own home. Same goes for you, buy what you love, and only what you love. Hey if someone
is selling your exact printer cartridge with a good receipt date you don't need to love it just make
sure it's a smoking deal.
Chances ...
Not every home owner is as prepared as the next and not every item will be priced before you arrive,
so if you like something and it isn't been marked yet take a chance and ask for a price. These are the
moments most sellers are grateful for and will give you an even better deal than you had thought.
We all think we can get a bit more for an item when we are writing out price tags. However
when we have someone interested right there in front of us there is no time to think ...
give them the best price to get it out of the garage for good. SCORE for both the buyer and seller!
Demographics ...
We get asked how and where we find it all. Over time you do learn key words to look for when
reading garage sale listings, you also learn the good areas, and if you consider what it is you are
looking for and target the neighborhoods with the demographic that uses your item you have a great
chance of finding it. For example George's canning jars ...
Country homes have gardens thus the home owner might do some canning and have left overs.
Estate Sales ...
This morning one address we found advertised took us from our planned route. I grumbled and
we struggled to even find it but we persisted and ended up at the best darn estate sale this year.
Oh Glory Be the furniture selection was amazing and the van filled fast.
Fun ...
Make sure to enjoy the experience and have fun. Thrifting with a GF can be a great outing. Yard
saling with your best guy can be a fun date. Be open to a chat with a home owner if it presents it's
self. Some times you learn a lot about an item they have for sale or some information about
the neighborhood you didn't know. They may even give you a better deal after a nice chat.
Hardware ...
Do not walk past those boxes of miscellaneous items, you never know what you might find in
there. When you do find that little thing you need to make something work better at home it
might cost you a quarter. It's way cheaper than walking the isle of the hardware store. |
Goals ...
I'm here to say it doesn't always work, but do your best to set goals for what you want to buy and what you want to spend. I like to leave the house with a certain amount of cash and when it's gone
I'm done. |