Happy new year to everyone that follows along with our story.
The holiday decor came down fast this year and I got a start
on organizing and cleaning all the nooks and crannies of the
living room.
I finally installed these cupboard doors on the cabinet that
holds our small living room TV. It has been a year since I
made that plan, where does time go?
This year my goal is to find more time for me and do more
decorating around this house, that's the plan anyways!
I hope you will follow along to see what happens.

My INSTAGRAM name is @4_the_love_of_wood
Also check out the hashtag #4theloveofwoodhometour
The color scheme of the room started once I found the
charcoal rug at HomeSense. And then I had to pick a color to
The mirrors are painted in AS French Linen and
I custom built the large star with white chippy barn siding.
if we have any vintage hardware for your next project.