I took our old vanity light down and gave it a makeover. Let me show you what I did.
This is what the light looked like before I started.
I used the same decorative metal banding that I used
in the Motor Home to create mini chandeliers.
I had enough to wrap around the three light pots.
I drilled holes thru the metal and screwed in light
switch plate screws to hold the banding in place.

I wired the back side together where it over lapped,
and then took the whole thing out side to be painted white.
I used a flat oil based spray paint.
In the evening I spent several hours stringing
all the crystals and getting them attached.
I had all the items I needed for this project in my house.
I found the banding at a yard sale in New Brunswick
and the bag of crystals at a local Habitat store.