I found an amazing sideboard before we left on holidays.
It was also amazingly expensive but I wanted to work
with it. It would be just like me to start a dozen projects
before going on vacation and that is exactly what I did.
So now that I'm back home I've been cleaning up all the
projects I started. Next on the list was to finish the
The original hardware definitely dated the piece.

I added 3 antique drop pulls and 3 wood appliques to the doors. Then I painted it in Annie Sloan
50/50 Old White and Pure White. The hardware is painted and then the majority of the paint is
gently wiped off of the pull with a paper towel.
It is long with 3 separate compartments and is made of solid wood, but she is not heavy.
The heavy furniture is usually built with MDF/Pressboard.
The wood appliques I used on this project are available to purchase here: