Our hallway was over due for a cleanup & makeover. Let me share how I took it from maddening to magnificent, with tips how I kept it affordable using FB marketplace.

Since my surgery there has been a long period
of recovery & transition. During this time
I needed something to focus on, that needed me.
That came in the form of a pair of kittens.
The hallway became their place for everything fun.
A cardboard box to run thru, their scratching boards,
toys to chase up and down the hall, and so much more.


I wanted some sleek storage along the wall but the
hall is pretty long and it could become very expensive.
I looked at cheaper shoe cabinets, the classic
Ikea Hemnes cabinets but the $$ signs kept climbing.

That brought me to the more affordable Ikea Trones.
It's a plastic shoe cabinet that's sturdy and perfect for
small spaces. With my vision I was going to need at
least 8 which would be $200 before tax. I turned to FB
marketplace and found what I needed for half the price,
while also selling 3 items to cover the expense.

The cats are big now so I mounted the Trones
high up so the hallway shenanigans can continue. 

Some wood for the top.

Since the wood over hangs where you pull the top
cabinets open, I consider some extra handles.
Dollarama had a package of 10 wood tags
with beads for $1.75. They worked and you can't
beat the price. I taped them in place while
thinking if they were the look I wanted.
*SPOILER* they weren't!

For the floor I wanted a rug runner, then remembered I had
a piece of thick vinyl flooring that would be easy to clean.
I got it from marketplace a few years back.
Now to turn it from a big square to a long runner.

The center seam was connected underneath
with duct tape and a strip of black electrical tape
on top. To get the edges to lay down I temporarily
started using plain masking tape. 

Still working on the handles!

Almost forgot to paint the wood.

Then finally digging thru all my handles
I found a set that mimic the curve of
the fronts and in gold to match my mirrors.


We really like the masking tape on the runner edges.
But I am going to keep my eye out for a coordinating
washi tape that might clean up the edge better.

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