Yes I painted our old fridge with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
My fridge had some issues, both handles were broken and
there were small rust stains all over the front coming through
the old paint. It bothered me I could never get it to look clean
because of these spots. It was finally time to do something so
I decided to paint it. "In the OLDEN DAYS" our option to
paint a fridge was to use an oil based spray and that meant
having to go outside to do it. Now we have ANNIE SLOAN
CHALK PAINT that adheres to just about anything, (I've put
this to the test many time) including old white fridges and it
can be done inside.
Before I started to repaint the fridge I considered adding
some details. I got out some of my appliques and trim pieces
and started building detail on the front of the door.
Once I had the trim adhered I started to paint the fridge with
ANNIE SLOAN PURE WHITE at that point it looks so nice
and clean compared to the bottom half
TIP: I used double sided foam tape to adhere the
light weight appliques and trim.
OPTION: paint inside the frame with ANNIE SLOAN
GRAPHITE to make a chalk board
I like white, but this is where I started to deviate from the
plan. Why not experiment a little after all it's only paint and
we can always repaint if I need.
#1. So the next step I took was to added some ANNIE
SLOAN PROVENCE over the white with a big brush, in a
cross hatch motion (seen above).
#2. Then I added some ANNIE SLOAN CREAM
(below left) on the raised parts.
#3. Once that was all dry I clear waxed everything
(below right).
Now I bet I could make the fridge look like
a CHATEAU CHIC French cabinet ...
ANNIE SLOAN DARK WAX could help with that.
TIP: I use a rubber glove when working with dark wax.
The dark wax was pushed into every crevice and then wiped
away with a paper towel, leaving behind the look you see below.
TIP: If you find that the dark wax is too
DARK after wiping away, you can use more clear wax to remove and lighten the color.
The last 2 things I did was to dry brush some more Pure
White over the Provence and follow up by waxing everything
with clear wax. I used the same wide 3 inch chip brush
for both these jobs one after the other to help everything
blend together, no washing between.
While I was working on the project we noticed a habit was
forming to open the door by pulling on the edge between the
2 doors. The original plastic handle was broken in a couple
places with jagged edges and I had gotten cut from it twice so
the handles never went back on, we don't even miss them.
We had considered buying a new fridge but
at this time this was the better choice for us.