PART I A LEG UP - adding legs to furniture

A very popular question I get asked about is the legs I add to many of my furniture pieces. So I thought I would share some project photos and information to show how dramatic and fun it can be.

I'm not going to suggest it's simple or easy.
Most every piece needs to be altered in some way to accept a
 set of legs. On this particular dresser I had to add an apron
 around the exterior and bracing between the legs.

Measuring, cutting, gluing, clamping and screwing are all
 needed when altering or adding to vintage furniture.

The set of solid wood legs used on this dresser
came from a MDF topped coffee table.

Here are some more bedside tables I've added legs to.

I generally only use 2 fancy legs on the front and stock
 lumber legs on the back. Below you can see the 4 solid oak
 legs used on this set above. This was the bottom of a strange
 open box cabinet thing I found at a yard sale.


Here is another dresser that originally
sat flat on the floor before I added the legs.

The legs used were purchased new at Windsor Plywood
locally to me. The bottom of this black chest needed to be re-enforced with some more framing before I could safely add the new feet.

Getting any ideas yet?

More ideas available on Part II found here

You can always follow along on INSTAGRAM @4_the_love_of_wood
where you get sneak peaks of what I am up to.

Stop into FIRSTFINDS HARDWARE STORE to see all the
vintage hardware we have available for your next project.

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