SECRETS TO DISTRESSING WITH SANDPAPER - shabby chic chalk painted bed

Distressing a paint finish successfully is an art. For me it isn't simply loading up a palm sander and attacking. Let me share some of my secrets.

A light edge distressing is extremely attractive look and
shows all the detail of your project especially right after a nice
crisp paint job. The more detailed the more it stands out in a crowd!


First lets talk sand paper ...

I hand sand all my distressing,

I fold my paper over twice as shown in the photos above.

To get into recessed areas I curve my paper as seen below.

Another trick is to highlight flaws.

When you come across something unusual in the finish
like a knot or dent make it more noticeable.
See below how I've sanded a little extra around the dent.

Distressing is meant to simulate age. Imagine the wear & tear
 furniture goes through in 50 years. Kids sitting rubbing their feet
 over the same rung of a chair as they grow up, or mom wiping 
down the cabinet doors during each week of house cleaning.
The paint starts to wear in the same areas over time.

I hope this will help you with your distressing projects 
and gives you some great ideas.
For another article on distressing  click here:

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