BUILDING A HALL TREE FROM AN OLD DOOR - annie sloan country grey

This is a hall tree I made using a vintage door. I thought outside of the box on this project for all the small details. Let me shared where they all came from or what they use to be.

The thrift store mirror has a wood frame which made it easier
 to attached it with screws through the back of the door. The
ornate pieces above and below the mirror are from an old 
Copperware spoon rack, and they are plastic. I pre-drilled
 them and screwed them on the wood door from the front.

The door had a white layer of old white paint on it when I
 started so I also gave the seat portion a white layer of paint
 also. Then I painted the whole project with Annie Sloan
Country Grey. This decorative end cap is molding pieces
attached to a stair ballaster.

The thick enamel paint on the door had chipped off in large
patches allowing for this look after painting and distressing.

I used an 80 grit sand paper to get such a coarse distressing. 

See that cute detail on the side of the seat?
More of that Copperware spoon holder ...
the actual part where the spoons hang from.

The side arms are cut from a single foot board and the square
 medallions on the door face where the solution to cover up
 the hole where the door knob use to be.

BEFORE                AFTER

vintage switch plates
 vintage hardware