There's been a lot of blue going around this house lately.
George's beach collection candles
I know it has to do with the season and the warm weather but it also has to do with
something I got recently. Annie Sloan's New Book "Color Recipes for painted furniture".
The night I got it I sat in bed reading the new book as George fell off to sleep,
snoring before I got finished the introduction. I am not a good reader before bed,
but I did managed to get 30 minutes in before falling into dream land.
Only an hour later I woke up again to realize I had been dreaming
about painting all sorts of things in all sorts of colors, especially blue.
There was something about the book that got my mind working on a different level.
So let me suggest if you are looking for a kick in the rear, and jolt of ideas, or simply
want to see Annie's farmhouse in northern France pick up the book.

I recently finished this 1920's antique dresser in colors inspired by our spring bedding.

 Remember inspiration comes from unexpected places, sites, and sounds.