I have been waiting since last August to show you that I painted my bathtub with
ANNIE SLOAN CHALK PAINT and a recent photo shoot has aloud me to share it with you now.
I didn't want to tell you back when I first did it because it was new and fresh and clean and who
 knows if it would hold up over time.
Well almost a year later and it has held up perfectly, fyi we are in and out of the shower every day.
doesn't it look amazing now?             and here it is 5 years ago
Plz understand I just painted the outside, not the inside of the tub where the water is.
I brushed the first coat on and left it for a day or so because it is very fragile when drying on
such as smooth porcelain finish. I then waxed it and added a second coat.
Yes you can paint ASCP right over the wax!!!
I smile from ear to ear everytime I walk past that room and don't see that harvest gold anymore!