HOW TO PAINT BAR STOOLS - farmhouse white kitchen decor

A good bar stool is hard to find!
If you have some chairs you love
but they just need an update with
paint I hope the steps I took might help you to redo yours. All the information in this article can
be used on regular dining chairs
as well.

I always try to turn my painting projects
 upside down before starting, especially chairs.
I use the chain link fence to rest chair against and 
a raised surface for the back to sit on.
If you are using a spray can it takes at least
1 whole can to do one whole chair.
Once all the undersides are coated turn the chair
over and finish spraying.
USING SPRAY CANS, short bursts offer better control,
less waste, and you do not get runs as easily.

I painted them black first so I could distress back to it once 
they were white. You should let an oil based spray dry for 24
 hours before using or painting over it.

Next step was to turn them upside down again to start 
painting them white. Then flip them over and finish the top
 sides. I sprayed these chairs with a 50 - 50 mix of ASCP
OLD WHITE and PURE WHITE with my sprayer and compressor.


I distressed and waxed the white to show the black and a bit
 of the wood. This can be done with fine sand paper (220) or wet distressing.

Now that I had a pair of newly painted bar stools I just 
needed to upholster the seats. I used this waverly numbered 
print you can see below.

You can check out my tutorials page for
some more upholstery tips:

I hope this has inspired you to start your own chair makeover


shabby chic hardware