UPDATING A BEDROOM - what we did on labour day

During our Labour Day weekend George and I changed our bedroom area.
Above is how it looked before we started and below is us starting to move things around. 
Oh the dust bunnies!!!
3 days later and all the furniture is in place but there is plenty still to do before I can show you it all.

Yes I painted the loveseat, and what an amazing difference it has made to the space.
I'm also going back and forth fiinishing up the buffet and hutch from last week.
A table has come my way that I have grand plans for.
Anyone have some wonderfully beaten up, weathered lumber (2 x 6 or larger) that you want rid of?
A set of 4 chairs found their way into the back of George's Van.
I'm feeling a tad bit overwhelmed and I haven't mentioned the other 3 projects on my plate.

There has been some great hardware added to the on-line shop that I found over the weekend
