MY MANTLE IS FAUX - but my passion is not

I got started on the Christmas decorating this year finally the first of the week. Being ever so creative I did up a Faux Mantle.

We have a large piece of furniture that simulates the look and height of a mantle.

Unfortunately early that week I had a tooth start to ache.
An appointment was set for to have a look see what was
going on. Then the following day was set to fill the cavity.

We had been invited out to see 2 commissioned red pieces of mine in there new home. Well the appointment at the dentist on took a terrible turn for the worse and there was no way I could go out. The cavity got too close to the root and so did the drilling. It was then agreed upon the tooth had to come out. Little did I know how much pain I was going to be in that evening.

A temporary filling was put in till the tooth could be pulled at the next week. Pain killers weren't working and I couldn't think straight for the agony I was in. George got on the phone
 with the dentist to get some resolution. George couldn't see
 me in this kind of pain for days so resolution was to extraction the tooth ASAP. Thank God.


I can't eat anything on that side of my mouth, pain killers
aren't doing much good, and I just couldn't put George through watching the pain in my eyes. So I grabbed a paint brush and some paint and set forth. So much for my week of relaxation.

Till the wee hours in the morning I worked steadily on painting something and it did me good.
George was able to get to sleep on his own not worrying
and my mind was able to fly away from the place it had been.
I wanted to share this story with you to emphasize how
 much I enjoy what this part of my life has put before me.
I've always embraced each and every task I've had to this 
point in my life, but my furniture and artistic abilities are

 truly a life long passion that I seek comfort in.

So I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you
 again for the support you offer each and every day while I
 chase this passion.