Fall again and most of my photos have to be taken in doors,
in the dim light of our home.

During the colder darker winter months I am always checking the weather forecasts
planning my next photo shoot.
So you can say some of my days revolve around the sun. 

Our home is too small for a dedicated photo space so I have to plan the right timing,
rearrange furniture and current projects all to get the right shots.

To get great angles of my furniture I crawl, climb, crouch, and get creative.
One time the fridge was in the way to get the right distance I wanted so
I opened the fridge door and took the shot with the camera from inside.

I enjoy getting great close up shots that capture the fine details of my work
or the beauty of the hardware I chose.

When we are out shopping I'm always on the look out for

beautiful things that I can used in my photos.
Like this little silver bird purchased at The Passioate Home in Langley
and sterling goblet I found second hand.

I have imagined this desk with different looks in my space.


Which look is your favorite?