In a far away land, the baby crib was living happily with her family until their last child turned 2. The family's father moved her to a cold, corner of the garage, where little birds and mice would sneak in each night and run back and forth on her spindles leaving dirty foot prints all over.
Many years went by and the crib thought all hope was lost,
until one day a strange man walked into the garage.
The family's father point him towards the cold,
back corner where the crib stood all alone.
She wanted to be loved again and never feel so lonely.
She was about to get a new life but didn't realized
it was going to be very different from her last.
After a long journey to another town she was placed
in a workshop with sawdust all around.
"A fine lady started measuring and cleaning me" said the crib
"She introduced me to other pieces of discarded things and I wasn't so lonely"
With the help of the fine lady the crib would eventually
marry and change her name officially to bench.
"I had a new name and I was excited about my new color"
explained the crib "it was green like an apple"
"I also got a padded seat so I would be comfortable
and never lonely again."
PAINT COLOR - tinted Antibes Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
PAINT METHOD - compressor and spray gun
TOP COAT - Varathane water based Spray Clear Coat
See another bench made from this crib
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