HOW I MADE A FARMHOUSE COFFEE TABLE - from a $15 thrift store find

Last fall I needed a round coffee table for our Christmas gathering, but the ugly thing I found didn't looked anything like this beautiful farmhouse table you see before you. Let me share how I transformed it ...

I came across it at a second hand store. A lovely $15 hexagon
topped table that is about 40 years old with water marks all
over it. For Christmas I would just cover it up with a table
cloth and a center piece and it would work for serving food.
In the end thou I knew I wanted to make it over into
something fabulous.

Once Christmas was over it was too cold to take it out side to spray paint the canning, so it would sit waiting. I spent months moving around that table pretending it didn't exist the whole time imagining the make over to come.

Finally once the nice weather arrived I realized we had to
 find the carpet to go under the table before picking paint
colors. Another set back but I still knew what I wanted in
the end, I would be a little more patient.

I had described the finished look to GG many times. I 
referred to the lumber I had stashed away for it. I talked
 about the thick top I wanted to put on it but he wasn't getting it. Now that it is finished he has walked by it several times shaking his head and saying "that is one awesome table, you have to build another one. I'll find you some more wood"

Finally we found the rug and I spray paint the base
in #ASORIGINAL I distressed with a 180 grit sandpaper.
I did not wax the base because I don't think it
will be needed. I can always do it later if something changes.

For information on spraying AS Chalk Paint: 

I took the original wood top off the base to use as a template for my reclaimed lumber. I marked the center and drew a circle with a string so I knew how long to cut my lumber.


Once the new top was assembled I gave the wood a wash using #ASCHICAGOGREY

Learn how to wash wood with paint at this link - 

To help prevent slivers and protect the surface I
finished the top with wax. I used a liberal amount of
#AnnieSloanClearWax and buffed it to a shine.

BEFORE                          AFTER

 INSTAGRAM @4_the_love_of_wood

vintage hardware

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