A LOOK AROUND OUR WINTER HOUSE - candles, a box, and some sparkles

Hello February 2017,
and Hello readers!

I took it slow in January and did not blog. Boxing
day I injury myself to the point it was hard to do
many tasks so that set the tone for awhile. I started
puttering around the house as most of use do in
January getting things organized again and finishing
off old tasks. It was all at a much slower pace than
usual but I still got a lot accomplished.
Check it out ...

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I found this wonderful vintage handmade keepsake box at a local shop. It was already monogrammed for GG so I couldn't resist. I adore one of a kind treasures you will never get a second chance to find. I painted the monogrammed area with pure white ASCP. 

We had an unusual amount of snow this year and it came on
the first day of the year. Early that morning before GG was
up I put on my winter boots and puffy warm jacket and
trudged around taking pictures in the snow. We just don't
get this kind of winter often so I snapped photos until my
fingers froze. Good thing GG was in bed other wise I would
have got in trouble for staying out so long.


I put the finishing touches on this round backed
chair perfect for the bedroom.

I also found some time to get the hallway painted. It is a
 small space that was still quite dark with the beige color I
 original had painted on the walls. I used a bright white
 semi-gloss and I am telling you it has made all the difference
in the world. The winter sun streams into the large showroom
 window and straight into this hallway reflecting off the
mirrors and bouncing off the white walls.

At the end of the hall is our bedroom and this year I hung
my mirror balls in the south facing window to catch the sun's
 rays. The little points of light sparkle all around the room.
 Each day when it happens it really does make us smile and
 lifts some of that winter gloom away. If you have a
 mirror ball give it a try it's a kind of magic.

firstfinds hardware store 
some of the reclaimed pieces we have for sale