Our first dinner at this table ended up being
rather nice. We had been working all afternoon
getting ready for the first snow fall of the year.

Rolling up hoses, readying the walk ways for a fresh covering
 of snow. I had also started a pot of chicken soup earlier and
 in between tasks I would find my way back to check on
it. Sitting down to a nice warm bowl after a long day is always
 great but for me it got even better when GG told me he found
 his ring while cleaning his vehicle. It is not of great value but
 for us it hurt deeply when it went missing. About the time
 that I gave that ring to GG was when I bought this table at a
 yard sale. I cleaned her up and painted her later that same
 year, for use in a retail store for display. Now several years
 have passed and she has come home just as beautiful as ever.

She was made with some nice solid ANTIQUE wood but I was
not the first to paint her. While stripping the old finish off the
 top I created something new and beautiful. I'm going to keep
that process to myself but I will say it is finished with AS wax,
and no other sealers.


I did use chalk paint on the table, top and bottom.
The bottom was done in white followed by a light turquoise. 
Then clear waxed before dark waxing. Lots of distressing with sand paper throughout the process to get the different levels to show through.

And we are having our first snow day

vintage switch plates
 vintage hardware