SANTA'S MAGIC KEY - christmas tutorial

The Christmas season has arrived and we started by
making a special little gift to send to George's
Grand-daughters, Santa's Magic Key. When I was
their age my house had a small chimney that went
into a wood stove and I worried Santa would not be
able to deliver our presents. 

When Santa has a key waiting for him he has no trouble
 getting into homes that do not have a fireplace. One 
Christmas I even slept on the floor of the bathroom so I could
see when he might come through our front door. You can see
 everything we used in the photo below, scissors, glue stick,
 hole punch, ribbon, old key, printer paper, Christmas card
 and envelope because we sent ours in the mail.

First, George cut the card in half (we only used the front)
 then I typed out the phrase we wanted to use on the
 computer and printed it out the right size for the space we
 had on the card.


The next step was to trim our poem and glue it to the front of 
the card. We then trimmed the card into the shape of a tag
 and punched a hole at the top.


One of the last steps was to thread the ribbon through the
 hole and include the vintage key before tying a knot right
 above the card then a bow at the very top so it would slip
 over the door knob easily.

We mailed our MAGIC KEY across the country for less than 
$2 but when the girls open it their reactions will be priceless.

It's that quick & simple!