CHRISTMAS DECOR 2014 - decorating the bedroom

Our Christmas bed this year definitely has a starry night
feeling to it, which for the
holidays is a lot of fun. 

Last year I used snow flakes on the window over our bed and
paired that with a heavy red plaid & wool blanket for a
snow lodge theme. It has been quite warm this year so the
 starry night theme seems to work better. 
 I strung two faux greenery garlands over the window frame
 and used blue (cold LED) lights to give it the night time
 starry feeling. The 4 white stars are tree ornaments stuck to
 the window glass with double sided tape. The last thing I
 added was 4 large mirror balls.


I had a small cedar tree outside that needed to be topped so I cut it
 and put it in water in an enamel ware jug on my bedside. I get to
smell the cedar adding to the sensations of being out doors at night.



THANK YOU to everyone who has sent Christmas wishes for us over the last few days during the Christmas posts. We appreciate them all and wish you all a

You can always follow along on 
INSTAGRAM @4_the_love_of_wood
where you get sneak peaks of what I am up to.

 our farmhouse holiday garlands

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