LEARNING ABOUT MILK PAINT - sea foam green cabinet

A lot more people have heard about Milk Paint in the last little while thanks in a large part to the internet and many DIY bloggers but Milk Paint has been around for thousands of years. 

Originally milk paint was made of milk, lime and earth
 pigments. Simple and easy for most households to create and
 use. Over time the recipe has been improved upon using
 enhanced pigments and bonding agents but it is still used
because it is simple, effective, and biodegradable. I personally
 do not use it often. It comes in a powdered form and you
 must mix it yourself. I don't enjoy the really earthy smell and
 you must use up what you mix in a short amount of time. It
 does however offer a different look to painted furniture. It
 works well when applied to raw wood surfaces, and reacts in
an unpredictable manor when applied to older finishes. It can
 crackle or flake off, and in my experience (which is limited to
a handful of pieces) can continue to flake well after the paint is dry.

I used a little Sea Green Milk Paint as a base to achieve a
 great aged effect on this country cabinet I built. Below you
can see the Sea Green is the darker flecks showing through
 the warn areas.



This is a project done many years ago and before ASCP.

#1 Primed the cabinet in white
#2 Sprayed the Sea Green Milk paint
#3 Sprayed a turquoise tinted primer

The cabinet was waxed with a mix of walnut stain mixed with
 natural Minwax. You could achieve the same look with dark 
wax I just didn't have any at the time.

All the distressing I did was done with sand paper between
 each coat of paint. Doing it between each layer adds a great 
deal of depth to the finish but is extra work.

Here is some of that crackling I talked about earlier.

Milk Paint can be used very successfully but understanding
 how it works and behaves will help you succeed.

In Canada you can get Milk Paint at Lee Valley
approx. $22.50 as of Jan/2020

You can always follow along on 
INSTAGRAM @4_the_love_of_wood
where you get sneak peaks of what I am up to.

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vintage switch plates to choose from

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 pieces available for your next project.

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