That title sounds a little
like an adventure novel
if you ask me and the 
story does have it's ups
and downs.

Everyone has been waiting to hear about my painted leather
 chair, even Annie Sloan herself has been getting impatient
 with me. I didn't want to get everyone excited about 
something that might be a fail. The plan was to wait and 
finish this article during the holidays giving it some time and 
use to report how it was holding up. Unfortunately life
 happened while we were making other plans. 

The morning of Dec 24th everything quickly changed as a
 phone call explained my Mother was on her way to the hospital having a stroke.


The stroke was mild and she was home that evening
My family spent the next 2 days of Christmas
 filling in where they were needed to get all the cooking, 
cleaning, wrapping, and decorating done.
The holiday definitely had a different meaning for the grown-ups
 and the kids simply asked why grandma was using a cane.
After all that was said and done I had time to sit down at 
home and write about the now famous painted leather chair.

It all started last summer when I got two of these chairs. You
 can't see it in these photos but there was a lot of damage to
 the underside including the frame and leg that needed to be
 reinforced, which I took care of.

The original leather on the seats is old and worn with 
cracking which will crack the paint. But where the leather is
 smooth the paint will be smooth. More on that at the end.

I sprayed the chairs in ASCP and distressed the frame with 
220 sand paper. The color of the white chair is a 50 - 50 mix
 of AS Old White and Pure White.

When using my sprayer, the paint is always watered down
 slightly, more info on my sprayer here:

I then clear waxed the entire chair, upholstery and frame.

Then a day later I dark waxed the frame.

The stripe and graphic were an after thought.
The stripe was created using painter's tape
and Annie Sloan Coco chalk paint


After she was finished she was invited to attend a Home 
Show to hang out with Annie Sloan while she was in town 
visiting. See there is Annie and George talking about the chair
 or me but they are pointing at the chair I'm sitting in, I'm sure of it.

I think this has been my favorite painted chair project so far,
 maybe because I'm keeping it. My painted leather 
parlor chair has settled into my space well and I don't 
see it going anywhere soon.

3 months later the seat is showing all the cracks the original
 leather already had before painting. The paint is not coming
 off but the cracks are showing and it looks great!!!
My favorite part about painting upholstery is that when you
 are done and you wax it, it is now so easy to wipe clean with
 a] cloth. I also bit the bullet this fall and painted
a velvet chair to show you how costly and catastrophic it can
 be to paint the wrong type of material. Don't hold your
 breath on that post because it was an awful fail. Please don't
paint velvet chairs.
For more info and ideas check out my Pinterest Folder of
 Painted Upholstery here:

Here is a look at some of my
 other painted upholstery. My Union Jack chair  and my
 French Berger chair were both very successful and both offer
 different ways to redo upholstery with paint.

vintage switch plates
 vintage hardware