Our mudroom had been consumed by water bottles, pop cans, discarded boxes, and all the other
crap I didn't want to see in the main part of the house. Time had come to reclaim this room and one
morning of surfing Pinterest got me motivated to start. Type in "AWESOME MUDROOMS" and see what you get.

Day 1, was a cooler morning as it had rained the night before. I was feeling the need to stay inside,
do some cleaning and eventually a great deal of purging. I had plenty of plastic bins that I could
fill and they would work just fine outdoors. So when George got home he had a stack of full bins
 waiting for him to take to the shed. Thank you honey do! The shed will be made over some other day.

Cleaning up the clutter went quickly also thanks to George dealing with the bottles the week before.
 This room is a small addition (5.5ft x 7ft) built around the back door of the trailer. It is not heated
 and in the winter it is cold. Keeping shoes and coats in there is off limits. I couldn't find the right use
 for the room, until now ...

Welcome to the new Etsy Shop!
Handles, knobs, hooks, and castors don't get too upset when they are a bit cold. All the Etsy stock has
 been over whelming the other rooms in the house. I was tripping over bags sitting in the living room,
sharing space in my dressing room, and the worst was giving up the kitchen island to constant piles of
 hardware in some state of being finished. Now it's all contained in this one space, even the work surface.

Day 2 went a lot slower. This was the day to fill and organize all the baskets, buckets, bins, and boxes
 with labels. Gathering all the hardware around the house was so much fun, I was finding new space
 in almost every room. Once the room started to come together with the bench I designed and built, I
wanted to add a soft edge for when we work in there so I hit Home Sense and bought this rug.

The rug is the only item purchased for this makeover, everything else we had.
The window on the back wall looks out to a storage area so I created a new view with a vintage
mirrored window, it makes the room feel bigger and reflects more of the light from the chandelier.

There is a bit more to this makeover which includes the chandelier and a custom paint job
but that will have to wait for another day ...

But there are a couple more photos in the home tour if interested:

Here are some unique hardware pieces available at