BENCH BUILT FROM A BED - emperors silk red

I adore building fun and useful furniture from salvaged items and many times the pieces are donated.

BEFORE                   AFTER

This amazing red bench originally was a donated headboard
 and foot board from a friend of mine. It was a dark stained
 solid oak mission style bed her daughter had used at one
 time. With the addition of some more salvaged wood, several
 hours of painting and waxing she is now the perfect bench.

2 seat boards
4 cross struts for the ends 
base coat ASCP white, 
2nd coat flat black spray paint,
 top color ASCP Emperor's Silk
sanded with 120 grit, 
waxed and polished
 Minwax paste finishing wax

You can always follow along on INSTAGRAM @4_the_love_of_wood
where you get sneak peaks of what I am up to.

Stop into FIRSTFINDS HARDWARE STORE to see all the
vintage hardware we have available for your next project.

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