How to measure for replacement handles and mounting screws.

99% of the time you will be dealing with a measurement on the quarter ...
Meaning the measurement will be
3" - 3.25" - 3.5" - 3.75"
3 inches - 3 1/4 inches - 3 1/2 inches - 3 3/4 inches and so on

A quarter of an inch is easy to misread so double checking is always wise and measuring with a tape from the 1 inch mark is best.

This handle above has a 4 inch center to center mounting.

Now to the screw length ...

If you have picked a simple flush mounted handle you simple
measure the drawer or door thickness and add a quarter inch.

Flush mounting means the handle sits flat on the surface like the ones shown below.

If you pick a handle with a collar that goes part way into the drawer or door

you have to compensate for that length as seen below.

It is wise to keep mounting screws with the furniture they came on than to remove them and keep with the hardware because they already match the thickness of the wood. This is not a hard fast rule.
Most vintage hardware has the same thread pattern for mounting screws. Every so often you will come across an antique piece with a different thread. These screws should be kept with the hardware. Your local home improvement store offers inexpensive mounting screws. These are usually cutable to several different lengths.

How to fill hardware holes here
Installing your hardware here

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where you get sneak peaks of what I am up to.

Stop into FIRSTFINDS HARDWARE STORE to see all the
vintage hardware we have available for your next project.

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