WHITE SEWING MACHINE - repurposed treadle sewing cabinet

I was working on trying to rebuild a pile of woods bits and pieces back into something that looked like a sewing table. The Kentucky Derby was on TV while I was do it ...


... meanwhile George was screaming at the TV.
He's been excited about a local jockey and the Canadian 
owned horse running the Derby, and sure enough they won!
All while I was painstakingly trying to rebuild
this treadle sewing cabinet.

I'd been looking for some examples of re purposed treadle
cabinets on-line but to my dismay there were very few to be found.

I knew I wanted to paint the metal base in white but what to do to the rest of it ...

The repairs needed were very extensive and frustrating with
 all the fragile pieces that had to be fastened back together.

I eventually got it resembling it's former self with a few
 replacement parts. I maintained the pedal and wheel so if used
as a desk, you can keep your feet amused and occupied.

I lined the drawers in a white wallpaper.

and a french graphic to the top from the graphics fairy.

graphic available here

The sewing machine is not in the cabinet anymore and the top doesn't open.


vintage switch plates
 vintage hardware