THINGS I FIND INSIDE FUNITURE - ladies french kneehole desk

Every now and then something unusual shows up inside my furniture projects.
Like these curtain rods below. Now when I say inside I don't mean in a drawer,
I mean behind the drawers inside the cabinet somewhere.

Really ... how do curtain rods get inside a dresser?
If you know don't tell me it was a retorical question.

I've found a few Aussie coins and recently a 1965 German Schilling.
I don't assume they will make me rich but they do add interest to the projects.

Another interesting find was the post card dated 1919

but more often then not it's just someones missing puzzle pieces,

their discarded matches, a forgotten key, and quite often old receipts.
This one is dated 1976 and it's from England.

They seem to be quite polite when
dealing with overdue accounts, it actually says
"Fearing your account has escaped your
notice, we venture to ask the favor of
a remittance within the course of a
few days"

That was awfully nice of them!

Well now back to the project of the day ...

I know a few of you might be getting excited with these sneaky partial pictures,
but please don't get overwhelmed there is bad news coming.

A drawer that has dove tails on the back as well as the front.
Amazing what several hundreds of dollars can buy you huh?

Yes I spent a great deal more than I am use to on this one, but it's worth every penny in the end.

She even had a couple of surprises inside for me to find.

2 Golden Key Furniture Keys
I'm delighted with that little find, but now the trick will be to find a lock they will open. 

Now for the bad news ...

This magnificent, over the top, gorgeous french desk (deep breath)
is already spoken for, but you can see a side by side before and after pic here.
I know that doesn't make up for it, I'm a bad bad person for teasing you.

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