LION'S FEET LITTLE CABINET - salvaging some history

She is painted in ASCP Old White and finished with  clear wax. She is short but the perfect height for a grand bedside table.

The veneer on one side and top had to be completely removed due to water damage. We have all come across those bubbling and wavy surfaces and sometimes it can be fixed.
But not this time. I stripped and sanded and filled and sanded some more, then added several coats of paint and wax to get this crisp clean white surface.

The right side veneer was saved and I re-stained the wood
 on the left. She has her original key locks still in place
 and I out fitted her with a set of reproduction handles.

You can always follow along on INSTAGRAM @4_the_love_of_wood
where you get sneak peaks of what I am up to.

Stop into FIRSTFINDS HARDWARE STORE to see all the
vintage hardware we have available for your next project.

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